To Feed The Soul

Winter 2024 Study

To be human is to wrestle with an endless appetite. Fasting is an ancient Christian discipline to break the power of the flesh in our life – our desires, sins, and cravings – and to feed on the Holy Spirit. The heart of fasting is not to renounce the good things of life, but rather to deepen our awareness that God is the source of goodness and life.

As you begin this practice, it is our prayer that God reveals what he longs to accomplish in you.

Fasting is more than an act of abstinence. It is an affirmative act; it is a way of waiting on God; it is an act of surrender. Fasting tends to induce within us an awareness of the spiritual dimension of life. Fasting is not a renunciation of life; it is a means by which new life is released within us.
— James Earl Massey, Spiritual Disciplines

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