

Annual Report 2022 - 2023

Contributing to our Community and World

One of the things I’ve learned in this process is the power of just showing up and being present and engaged. And sometimes, that means you have to ignore the doubts and fears in the back of your head that are telling you, ‘Don’t do this. It’s inconvenient. You don’t have time. You won’t be good at it.’ And other times, it means really taking seriously those other voices in your head where the Spirit is calling you and pushing you to branch out and try something new, take on new relationships, and be involved in the spread of His Kingdom.
— Rob Ellis

$22,800 was raised and distributed to our local and global partners through our annual 1 Day 4 Change.

193 people served in ongoing ministry roles at the church.

16 active mission partnerships with individuals and organizations.

63 adults and youth volunteered at VBS.

20 adults and youth volunteered at Friends of Refugee’s Summer Youth Experience.

Paris Prayer Conference

All Souls member and Elder, Jennifer Miller, attended the Paris Prayer Connection. Alongside 6 other participants, she visited 10 churches/church plants, attended 2 services, walked 108,000 steps, and covered the French church in prayer. She also spent the final day with our global partner, Suzy Grumelot.

I naively pictured our team going and bringing a great blessing of prayer to the church in France (which is hopefully part of what we did), but I was incredibly blessed by the French church’s demonstration of faith as well as their fortitude and courage in a hard ministry environment.
— Jennifer Miller

Additional Highlights

  • One-time gifts were given to Bible translators in Central Asia, a youth and prison ministry in Egypt, a ministry to Persian believers in Georgia (the country), and anti-trafficking and porn recovery ministries in Italy.

  • Members collected donations for and volunteered at FCS’ Pride for Parents.

  • Members collected snacks and served breakfast for the MLK Service Weekend.

  • The All Souls building hosted events for InterVarsity, Decatur Cooperative Ministry, and Friends of Refugees.

  • VBS participants collected breakfast and snack items for our partner, Peace Preparatory Academy.

  • Members provided meals for Beacon of Hope and Hagar’s House.